Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Can't wait til CATURDAY!!

My mom and I have a bi-annual tradition. Saturday night on General Conference weekend we go out somewhere fun for dinner then stock up on books, music, and movies at Media Play. We do NOT go "where the girls are" (Deseret Book), we do NOT go "where the fun is" (fancy restaurants), and we do NOT go "do the latest" (fill in the blank). We pretty much go where everyone is NOT because we hate people. Ok, so it's just ME that hates people -- my mom is too nice.

I think that Wallaby's Smokehouse is up for dinner this year. It's a little barbecue place out in north Orem that my mom loves and my dad hates (so it's perfect ;) I'm trying to think of where we went last time... maybe Noodles & Co? The point is to go wherever people are not. Post-shopping we will probably watch the latest BBC version of "Jane Eyre" which is pretty much AWESOME. If you haven't see it, you need to. And If you have seen and but don't love it, you have no soul ;(

Anyway, "the media run," is one of the best nights of the whole year, but sadly, it has been SABOTAGED three years running. So INTERLOPERS, USURPERS, whoever you are and whatever you do, you have NO PLACE here! I must have my fun! FOUR DAYS TO GO!!!

1 comment:

Bonny said...

I totally loved the new Jane Eyre. I forced Junaid to watch it too. I don't think he liked it as much. :P