Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On my mind

-It feels like a Thursday and it's only Tuesday. Yeesh.
-WHY WHY WHY was I up so late last night! Fun? Yes. Tired? Hellayes.
-When was the last cool Halloween party I went to? High school maybe? LAME
-It's totally rude to ignore phone calls for six months. I'm onto you.
-Why did the dang dog try to take my hand off this AM? I thought we were friends! :'(
-Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could you screw up the fake text file for prog/test verbs?
-You're not as sly as you think. I see everything. And you will get caught.
-Tomorrow the stupid debt to the stupid community will be paid and GOOD RIDDANCE TO IT.
-I have always wanted to go Goth. Now is the time, maybe?
-What's a monkey wrench for anyway?
-Sock monkey! Sock sock Monkey!
-In the eyes of a Ranger, the unsuspecting stranger, had better know the truth and wrong from right. 'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you! Any wrong ya do he's gonna see! When you're in Texas look behind you! 'Cause that's where the Ranger's... GONNA BE!!!
-Saturday, November 17, 2012
-Park City and Disneyland!
-Remember how the Wallflowers Vanilla Bean Noel doesn't smell anything like the lotion Vanilla Bean Noel? GAG
-I am easily distracted by shiny objects @_@


Bonny said...

What debt to the community are you paying? I love this post. I want to do one too!!

*C Dub :D said...

Frigging traffic school O:<
And there's a huge story behind it, I'll post tonight!

Bonny said...

Oh good. I love your stories. And it's like 90% sure that we're headed to Calgary at the end of May/beginning of June! And then I'm coming back to Utah at the end of June. It's gonna be a busy month.